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Crop conclusions 2018/19

Crop conclusions 2018/19

Crop conclusions 2018/19

• 4,971 hectares of soybean have been planted compared to 4,473 hectares in 2018


• 2,039 hectares of corn have been planted compared to 2,308 hectares in 2018.


• In the first fortnight of January, rains allowed a good progress of the soybean crop and corn sowing began. Rainfall volume was little in the second half of the month; recording irregular showers in space and volume within the Jerovia ranch.


• Production in general is good, with few significant exceptions, mainly planting failures that were fixed, crop health is optimal and the first crops are already in bloom.


• Crop protection sprays advance without problems, mostly ground sprays.


• Under current conditions, soybean harvest is scheduled to take place between the last week of April and the first half of May, and corn between the second and third week of June.